Monday, November 24, 2008

Scanning the Shabbatainment Blogs...

Lots of goodies in the Shabbatainment world as we scan the blogs...

There's a new Jewish radio station based out of Johannesburg, South Africa,  that will be broadcasting 24 hours a day (not sure if it's on air as of this writing). Theoretically, they will air online on their website, Here is a promo:

The Teruah Jewish Music Blog reviews the latest CD by Josh Nelson of the appropriately named Josh Nelson project (he was at Shir Chadash with Craig Taubman). Check it out at 

Teruah also gives us the definitive Chanukah Radio Playlist.

For your reading pleasure, jewschool tells about a book on the Cultural History of the Bagel.

Shopping for that special someone? It's not just Blackberry- Jewberry. For all your Jewish prayer needs. 

Ivanka Bat Trump? Looks like Donald Trump may soon have a mensch-in-law.

In sports, it's the documentary you never realized you needed to see. Jewlicious tells us about The Greatest Jewish Basketball Documentary Ever.

Amy Winehouse's hit single Rehab sung in Yiddish. Oy.

And finally, my friend Meredith at checks the police blogger and tells us about a man in South Florida who was arrested after stealing communion bread during a church service. Hey, at least he wasn't stuffing his pockets with cold cuts during the oneg...

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